course outline update

Dear students,
Sorry to confuse you, but the course outline has been changed as follows:

a) Write classification essays.
b) Write persuasion essays.
c) Use direct and indirect quotations.
d) Paraphrase and summarize.
e) Use MLA style to cite sources and compile bibliographies.

Your topics are i) relationships, ii) cross-cultural values, iii) the environment, and iv) the media.

Course Assessment and Grading Criteria 

a)      10%   Direct and indirect quotations, paraphrase and summarize exercise
b)      10%   MLA cite sources and compile bibliography exercise
c)      12%   Classification essay I
d)      12%   Classification essay I
e)      12%   Persuasion essay I
f)       12%   Persuasion essay II
g)      12%   Final in-class essay
h)      10%   Portfolio completion
i)       10%   Participation

Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

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