Welcome to Chris Elvin's Aoyama University Integrated English III class

Dear students,
Welcome to the course. Please check this blog every week for news and updates, and to submit homework assignments.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin


IEIII – Integrated English – Writing
Spring 2018

Instructor: Chris Elvin

Course Description

Welcome to Integrated English III.This class is designed to accomplish the following:

i) Write classification essays.
ii) Write persuasion essays.
iii) Use direct and indirect quotations.
iv) Paraphrase and summarize.
v) Use APA style to cite sources and compile bibliographies.

Your topics are:
i) relationships
ii) cross-cultural values
iii) the environment
iv) media

Course Assessment and Grading Criteria

a) 40%  Homework assignments
b) 20%  Classification essay
c) 20%  Persuasion essay
d) 10%  Mid-term assessment
e) 10%  Final in-class essay

Homework assignments: There will be regular homework assignments, some of which may be started during class. You must type these and submit using the online form below:

Classification and Persuasion Essays: You will be required to write two homework assignments during the semester. 
Each essay will be worth twenty percentage points, and should be between 400 and 500 words in length, 12-point Times New Roman, at twenty-six lines per page. You should include your name, ID, date, essay title, map or outline and word count.  You should include at least three APA-style in-text citations for each essay, and list these sources in your Referencesaccording to APA style. 
These essays must be typed, not handwritten. You may show me any of your homework assignments as many times as you like up until the final day. I will check them and offer advice. You should hand these essays in on the penultimate day of class (one week before the last lesson). 

Method of submission of final papers:
You should upload your final papers to the “Database of Student Writing” first. Then after you have shown proof of upload, you will hand in identical hard copies to your teacher. (The URL of the database is

Mid-term assessment: This essay assignment will be worth ten points. You should draw a concept map first, and then write your essay. You should write at least 250 words within the hour, and include a word count. Your essay will be judged using the following five criteria; thesis statement, task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. 

Final in-class essay: The final in-class essay will last seventy minutes. You will have twenty minutes beforehand to search for citations. You will be asked to persuade a person to change his or her thinking. The criteria for assessment for your final essay will be the same as in the mid-term test except that you will be required to include at least three APA formatted citations together with their corresponding references.

Attendance & Participation: You are expected to attend ALL classes. Your first two absences will be penalized by one drop in grade. Your third and fourth absences will be
penalized by subsequent drops in grade. If you are absent five times, you will fail the course.

The textbook that we may use is Integrated English Core and IE3 Writing (2012 version)

Good luck!
Chris Elvin

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