Week 2

Dear students,
Your homework was to upload your essay about spring vacation using the online form.
Today you will summarize a book so please bring one to class. Please write over 250 words. At the end of the summary, you should include an APA formatted in-text citation within the final sentence of the final summary paragraph. This should be the author's family name, and year of publication of the book you read in parenthesis.
At the end of your opinion, you should include a full APA formatted reference. In order, you should write the author's family name, comma, initials, followed by the year of publication in parenthesis, period, followed by the title of the book (sentence case), period, publishing city and country, colon, then publishing company, period.
After you have finished writing your summary and opinion, please paste it into the text of the online homework form (see above) and submit.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

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