
Showing posts from 2018

Final Test - Persuasion

Dear students, Today you should hand in hard copies of your two final papers on classification and persuasion as well as your receipts after uploading them to the plagiarism database. Each essay should be between 400 and 800 words and include at least three references, all in APA format. After handing in your essay, you will have a 70-minute test. You may search for references if you wish. Any reference (and its corresponding in-text citation) should be in APA format. You may write as much as you wish within the given time limit. Please choose a topic from below: Should scientists be allowed to test beauty products on animals? Should girls be allowed to play on boys sports teams? Should Japan have free health care? Should the government be allowed to detain suspected terrorists without trial? Should schools raise money by selling sugary drinks to students? Should elementary students be allowed to take cell phones to school? Should Tokyo residents be allo...

Homework Assignment Submission Form

Dear students, Please use the form below to submit your eight homework assignments. Your classification and persuasion second drafts should show improvement, so let me check them first. Homework Submission Form Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 11

Dear students, Today you will carry on writing and editing your persuasion essay. Please bring books, articles, and papers to class to support your argument. You will need at least three citations for your essay, but more will be better. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 10

Dear students, Today you will learn about the structure of a  persuasive essay. Please download the print and bring it to class. persuasive essay structure Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 9

Dear students, Today you will start persuasion. Please download the print and bring it to class. Former students' persuason essays Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 8 - Mid-term Test

Dear students, Today is your mid-term test. You should summarize a novel that you have cited in your classification assignment. Please bring your book to class to refer to. Your essay should also include your opinion, too. Remember APA in-text citations for summary, paraphrase, and quotes. You should also include an APA formatted reference. There is no limit as to how much you should write, but your essay will be penalised if it is not finished in time. The test will be seventy minutes long. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 7

Dear students, Today you will work on your classification essays. Anything that you summarize, paraphrase or quote, needs an APA formatted in-text citation in the body of your essay, and a full APA formatted reference at the end of your draft. (If you just mention a book without a summary, paraphrase, or quotation, you don't need to cite it). You should include a minimum of one summary, one paraphrase, and one quotation. Total word count should be between 400 and 500 words. I would like to see your essays mostly finished by today. The final deadline is in July, however. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 6

Dear students, Today you will read your group essay to another group. After that you will start your solo classification assessment essay, literature. Choose a topic within literature, draw a classification chart, and then begin your essay. Anything that you cite should include an APA formatted in-text citation together with its corresponding full APA formatted reference. Your essay should be between 400 and 500 words. For further details, please read the course outline . Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 5

Dear students, Today you will read your homework in pairs, then learn some classification expressins. After that you will classify something in groups of three. You should then write your part of your group essay and post it to the database using the homework assignment submission form . Kind regards, Chris Elvin


Dear students, For homework, draw a classification chart of about ten random letters. Then write a paragraph essay about your classification. In class, read your essay to your partner while she listens and draws. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Copy paste

Dear students, Please do not copy paste from the internet or anywhere else. You should paraphrase, and then cite your source with an in-text citation and full reference in APA format. Most strings of five words or more which are identical to the original are considered to be plagiarism. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 4

Dear students, Today you will review APA formatted in-text citations: APA in-text citation matching exercise and APA formatted references: APA references matching After that, you will start classification. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 3

Dear students, Today you will summarize a newspaper article, so please bring a story to class. You may use your cell phone, too. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Week 2

Dear students, Your homework was to upload your essay about spring vacation using the online form . Today you will summarize a book so please bring one to class. Please write over 250 words. At the end of the summary, you should include an APA formatted in-text citation within the final sentence of the final summary paragraph. This should be the author's family name, and year of publication of the book you read in parenthesis. At the end of your opinion, you should include a full APA formatted reference. In order, you should write the author's family name, comma, initials, followed by the year of publication in parenthesis, period, followed by the title of the book (sentence case), period, publishing city and country, colon, then publishing company, period. After you have finished writing your summary and opinion, please paste it into the text of the online homework form (see above) and submit. Kind regards, Chris Elvin

Welcome to Chris Elvin's Aoyama University Integrated English III class

Dear students, Welcome to the course. Please check this blog every week for news and updates, and to submit homework assignments. Kind regards, Chris Elvin COURSE OUTLINE IEIII – Integrated English – Writing Spring 2018 Instructor: Chris Elvin Email: Blog: Course Description Welcome to Integrated English III. This class is designed to accomplish the following: i) Write classification essays. ii) Write persuasion essays. iii) Use direct and indirect quotations. iv) Paraphrase and summarize. v) Use APA style to cite sources and compile bibliographies. Your topics are: i)   relationships ii)   cross-cultural values iii)   the environment iv)   media Course Assessment and Grading Criteria a) 40%  Homework assignments b) 20%  Classification essay c) 20%  Persuasion essay d) 10%  Mid-term assessment e) 10% ...