For those of you who are currently trying to generate MLA references for your essays, here is a good website which creates references automatically for you;
Dear students, Hello again. Today you will look at APA formatted in-text citations and APA formatted references. Mostly we will focus on in-text citations. A couple of common mistakes for Homework One was; • not putting the in-text citation within a sentence ..... (Shakespeare, 2019) incorrect .... (Shakespeare, 2019). correct • not writing the reference in sentence case Flowers Of Algernon. incorrect Flowers of Algernon. correct Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone. incorrect Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone. correct One other thing is not to copy from the Internet. If you do copy even a few words (five or more), you should cite it in APA format. Rule 1: Don't copy sentences. Rule 2: Don't copy sentences, then change the words. Rule 3: Strings of five words or more identical to the original may be construed as plagiarism. You will review in-text citations and references in APA format as you did last week. Please downloa...
Dear students, Today is your mid-term test, which is worth 20 points. Ten points will be awarded for map/outline, title, paragraph shape, thesis statment, three in-text citations in APA format, and three matching references in your "Works Cited". The other ten points will be for your writing. Remember, it is a classification essay, so you should be classifying clearly. You will have 20 minutes to look for references online, and 60 minutes to write your essay. You only need to write three intext citations and three matching references for this test, but a good essay may have more than three. Therefore, if you cite more than three sources, just put (4), (5), (6), etc. as in-text citation markers in your essay to suggest that you would need to cite these properly if you had the time. Your "Works Cited" only needs to have the three references which match your first three in-text citations. Is that clear? Kind regards, Chris Elvin
Dear students, Welcome to the course. Please check this blog every week for news and updates, and to submit homework assignments. Kind regards, Chris Elvin COURSE OUTLINE IEIII – Integrated English – Writing Spring 2018 Instructor: Chris Elvin Email: Blog: Course Description Welcome to Integrated English III. This class is designed to accomplish the following: i) Write classification essays. ii) Write persuasion essays. iii) Use direct and indirect quotations. iv) Paraphrase and summarize. v) Use APA style to cite sources and compile bibliographies. Your topics are: i) relationships ii) cross-cultural values iii) the environment iv) media Course Assessment and Grading Criteria a) 40% Homework assignments b) 20% Classification essay c) 20% Persuasion essay d) 10% Mid-term assessment e) 10% ...